A peek into the life of the person behind the Etsy shop, as well as some design process and features of items I create.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More Baby Month

Well, I have a week until my "due date", and am still enjoying creating baby things. . . I recently was approached by a friend from high school who is now a photographer, and wanted to use one of my new cocoon and hat sets for an upcoming shoot. I have been really enjoying making these, and with easter right around the corner as well, they are very versatile for springtime. So, today, I'm going to be featuring my new custom cocoon set http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42879365, featuring the photography of ThorPhoto (www.thorbisher.com). Free shipping if you mention my blog, and I do them in any custom color combo your heart desires. Happy springtime, and all of the goodness of this fruitful season.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby Month

I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but I can say that it is thrilling how busy I've been with etsy, and just keeping up with my little ones the past 2 months. This month my two youngest have birthdays, and I'm also due to have a baby at the end of this month, so we are "nesting" and of course rearranging the house, and so on, so that we don't have to think about doing any of these things after the little one is here. This is our fourth, though, so we have done this three other times previously, and life just happens. . . of course there are things that you think of that you need to do after the baby is born, there just are, you just can't plan for everything. Thankfully I have the best husband ever and he just loves to ride the wave of my nesting instinct, and sweetly embraces the chance to rebolt all of the furniture to the wall in a slightly different spot. What a trooper! :-)

Today I'm featuring my octopus blanket, because I'm getting all ready for little baby to come soon, and I have been inspired as of late to explore baby knit items (or the lack thereof in some instances), so anyways, I love these colors, and how fun the octopuses are to play with. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41131048
I'll offer free shipping and 10% off this featured item this month to anyone mentioning blog in checkout (or at least until this child decides to come, and I go on "vacation mode"). :-)